Youth Group
Youth group meets the first Sunday of every month after the service and church potluck. Join this group for fun activities, outreach work, fundraisers and Bible studies. This group also participates in special events like mission opportunities and the annual ski trip.
There's no need for any prior registration. Guests and new attendees are always welcome. Contact the office for a schedule.

Nursery is available for any children attending service starting at 10:00 am

Mission Trip Fundraiser
Superbowl Sunday is February 11th! Let MUMC prepare your food for the Big Game. We are taking pre-orders now through February 4th for sub sandwiches. We’ll make the sandwiches and you can pick it up on 2/11 along with a bag of chips. A free will offering will be collected at pickup. All proceeds will go toward the Youth mission trip in 2025. Sign-up sheets can be found in the foyer of the church.