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Work has begun!

Although yesterday's temperatures were not an indication of how our winter has been, they did provide an opportunity for some tangible work on the capital campaign to begin. Work actually began in January on the north wall of the church, but most of us are not on that side of the building to see the work that had taken place thus far. Previously, some siding had been removed, rotted exterior wall removed and replaced, and that portion of the wall re-wrapped. Yesterday's warmer temperatures allowed the crew to replace the windows on the north wall, and to engage in any other exterior wall repair work that needed to occur. On our next warm day, you can expect that the siding will be replaced, and the north wall of the church to be completely repaired, taking us one step closer to stabilizing our facility. These are your capital campaign commitments at work!

At the same time, we want you to know that other work has been happening in our facilities, just as we said it would! You'll notice that the cracks in the hallway ceiling have been removed, and will soon be repaired and painted. Other small repairs are occurring throughout the building; in addition, the windows on the west wall of the parsonage family room have been replaced, allowing for greater energy efficiency. These projects are not included in the capital campaign, but are being undertaken by the trustees as a part of the church budget. Thanks for all your giving, and be on the lookout for ongoing capital improvements!

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